What Chemical Substance is Commonly Used as a Home and Commercial Cleaning Agent?

Learn about the most common chemical substances used for home and commercial cleaning. Detergents, sodium hypochlorite, adjuvants, enzymes, bleaches, and blue dyes are all discussed.

What Chemical Substance is Commonly Used as a Home and Commercial Cleaning Agent?

Detergents are the most widely used type of cleaning agent, both in domestic and commercial kitchens. Sodium hypochlorite, also known as bleach, is one of the most popular chemicals used around the world. A sodium hypochlorite solution is often used as a disinfectant and whitening agent. Adjuvants are added to cleaning compounds to enhance and protect the cleaning efficiency of surfactants.

Each of these cleaning agents has a specific purpose depending on the item or surface to be cleaned, the cleaning method used, and the type of dirt found on the item or surface. For example, enzymes can be used to break down protein-based stains, bleaches can be used to bleach stains and add potency to cleaning agents, and blue dyes can be used to counteract yellowing.